Saturday 12 May 2012

Xenophobia and Asperger's in Singapore

I think every Aspie is screwed up equally.

Also, news is rife that someone in my estate disturbed others with his drum sounds. He is a Filipino/Pinoy with special needs.

I have mixed feelings.

Singaporeans are mostly screwed enough because over the past 30 years, people (including my mother and your parents) moved from other lands, and massively over-crowding Singapore, our land. We only have xenophobia now because while our economy did well, this only caused our low-paid brothers and sisters to be structurally unemployed, or grossly underpaid. With no welfare totally to keep them content, it can only be natural that xenophobia comes from these poor, helpless Singaporean citizens (i.e., for now, us).

So now, while we appear to discriminate against people from other countries, we know we Singaporeans cannot claim citizenship benefits from other countries - because a Singapore citizenship means we cannot have double citizenship. My lack of money, added with my less-than-desired proficiency in non-English languages, I really see myself being 'trapped' here.

All what we Singaporean citizens want is just a guaranteed job or welfare benefits, if we really can't have a job due to a permanent disability not fit enough for the Government (or GLC)'s needs. It is so simple. Yet ministers only want to enrich themselves rather than acting for our benefit. So the ministers, to save their faces, now just wants to set the bar higher for immigrants to come in, assuming we'll get their jobs. No use. They won't do what we really want.

Special needs just added one new complex dimension to our (Singaporean) issue with foreigners.

 I believe I have told you the dilemma we have: I always have this concern that there could be adult autistic PRC, Indian or Philippines citizens in Singapore who need a listening here with other adult autistic, and even assuming they are willing to contribute to our community, we won't accept them.  This is because we have 'troubles' having them due to the GLC first employing foreigners, which is what we see, then overworking locals - just not employing Special Needs people (both local and foreign) no matter what -

But shouldn't we really work together to defeat discrimination against diagnosis together? I thought special needs people in Singapore have this problem together, be they having special needs or not.

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